Tuesday, July 22, 2008

7-23-08 One more thing...

Our blog made Yellowstone Newspaper at this link:


Scroll about halfway down and you'll find a link to our blog entry for 7/15/08 in the rightmost column regarding the apple core incident...

Apparently the guy who compiles these things agrees with our assessment.

1 comment:

Jim Macdonald said...

From "the guy who compiles,"

Yes, I sure did agree with the assessment. I was with my family camping in the park that same weekend, and we had the misfortune of seeing people trying to encourage their dog to fight with a coyote who was in the picnic area trying to scavenge for food. That was disgusting and dangerous.

You see all kinds of ridiculous things in the park.

What you shared really angered me, though, because bears often end up dying from the "fruits" of that kind of human behavior. Just this past week, a grizzly attacked someone sleeping in his tent outside the park. That person had done nothing wrong as far as food storage. But, someone else probably did, and now a guy has broken bones and people are out actively trying to trap and kill that bear.

Anyhow, thanks for sharing ...