Thursday, July 3, 2008


Driving to Dalles Campground just north of Mt. Rainier. Highway is windy and running through the White River Forest where trees are harvested and re-planted. Trees appear to be growing fast. Sign said trees re-planted in 1990. They are tall.

The trees and greenery here are incredibly lush.

Chad is talking about indigenous tree growth. Chad is now upset I have not watched the Discovery Channel special on harvesting trees. Dam it. I made a promise to watch it when I get home. I did notice that the license plates read; “The Evergreen State”. The forest has a great lilac smell.

Got to the site. Unpacked. Set up tents. Assembled bikes.

Clearly the exciting part of our trip has yet to begin…

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

Chad makes for such a cute soccer mom! Minus the frown...

Keep the pics coming they're awesome! And the blogging, hilarious Michael.